Our furry friends are no different from us humans, all having their own sleeping style that makes them comfortable. Some have one-way, other dogs have multiple ways, remember to keep this in mind when choosing the right dog bed.
Observe your dog, are they a side sleeper, do they curl up, or like to belly up, are they perhaps a leaner, or a lion poser?

Side Sleeper
A Side Sleeper is comfortable in their home, a happy-go-lucky dog, who’s in position for some deep sleep and doggy dreaming.

A Curler
A Curler is preserving their body heat and is seeking to protect themselves. A blanket will help them stay warm and comfortable throughout their journey to doggy dreamland.

A Belly-Up Sleeper
A Belly-Up sleeper is a loving and confident dog. This sleeping position also means your dog is trying to keep cool, exposing their belly, showing they fully trust you.

A Leaner like to rest their head against something. Bolster beds are perfect for these sleepers. Bolsters are often used as pillows to rest their heads, consider sizing up if the bed has bolsters. Alternatively, a pillow or folded blanket will give them support to lean against something.

A Lion Pose
A Lion’s Pose is usually a nap time position to recharge themselves, ready to jump and play if the opportunity arises. The back limbs tend to be bent while the front paws rest snuggly underneath the chin. A charming pose.

Superman Sleeper
A Superman sleeper likes to lie down on their stomach with their front and back legs stretched out. It shows that your dog is tired, but they are ready to jump up and play at any second.
Breeds and weights can vary significantly, it is always best to measure your dog using the guide below to find the right bed

How to measure your dog
To measure your dog, get a tape measure and start from the tip of the nose right down to the base of the tail. This shows the minimum length. Then measure your dog shoulder to shoulder to get the minimum width for the bed. Once you’ve got all these, you’d want to add an extra 6-12 inches for both the width and the length, giving your friend enough room to stretch their limbs out.
What dog bed should you get?

Memory Foam Bed
A Memory Foam dog bed is great for those older dogs that need a comfortable night’s sleep. The Memory Foam bed would give your buddy a goodnight’s sleep by eliminating pressure points. It’s essential your friend has a restful sleep, or they can be prone to aches and pain.

Donut Bed
The Donut dog bed has gained popularity among dog guardians. It’s perfect for the curler who likes to coil themselves in a ball, creating extra warmth and protection.

Rectangular Bed
Our Rectangular dog beds in the silhouette of a sofa is a style most dogs love. Perfect for those looking for a plush feeling whilst still getting the support they need. It is great for those leaners or side sleepers who prefer bolster support while dozing.

Round Bed
Our Round dog beds are ideal for those who like to lean their head against a wall while curling up, or for those who prefer to spiral inside the bed. The walls offer support whilst stopping the draft from getting to them. If your buddy is a leaner or a curler you may want to consider a Round Bed.

Flat Cushion Bed
Our Flat Cushion dog beds is one of the most familiar beds around, suiting most sleepers. These are perfect for those who just need a comfy place to sit without the need for any extra features and who just want to have a good stretch. If your buddy is a side sleeper, belly-up type, sprawler or superman sleeper then you may want to consider getting them a Flat Cushion Bed.

Terrier Tunnel
Our Terrier Tunnel is idyllic for those who love to wrap themselves in blankets and most ideally for mini burrowers. It’s a cosy pocket for your buddy to tuck themselves in and hide away in the night.
You may want to consider over time, having two or perhaps three beds, in different rooms or to use seasonally, depending on your dog’s mood, weariness or weather conditions.